Pumpkin Panic




Welcome to the wacky world of Pumpkin Panic, where you’ll be tending to the weirdest and creepiest farm ever! Nestled deep within a mystical forest, this farm is a world of its own. And it’s your ticket to a thrilling and slightly crazy adventure!

A farm with a twist

Picture this: scenic woods, rich smell of pine in the air, towering trees surround you, their branches reaching out like friendly arms to welcome you to the farm’s forest hideaway… The farm itself is a quirky patchwork of veggie beds and forest thicket, with a rustic charm that seems plucked straight from a storybook. It’s like the farmer just woke up one morning and decided, ‘You know what? I want a farm, but I want it in a forest!’ And there you have it, a farm in the middle of the woods.

You decide it’s a perfect spot to settle down and start a new life, away from all the hustle and bustle, just you and the nature. But maybe that new life of yours isn’t going to be so serene and careless… And it’s not even that you’ll have to work hard, like every farmer. There is something about this place and everything in there that will slowly make your skin crawl, one goosebump at a time.

Deceivingly innocent start

Now, let’s get down to business! In Pumpkin Panic, you’re not just here to admire the scenery – you’ve got work to do. Your trusty keyboard and mouse are your best friends here, with controls that are as easy as pie (pumpkin pie, of course).

WASD keys will have you zooming around the farm like a pro. If you want to channel your inner green thumb, press ‘F’ to plant crops and watch them grow like magic. To make sure those little fellas don’t go thirsty, hit the ‘SPACE’ key to water your plants with a flourish.

When the horror strikes

But don’t forget that it’s only part farming, and also part horror! So it won’t be long until the need for drastic actions arises, and the unhurried flow of your farming routine will be interrupted with tapping the ‘SHIFT’ key. Do that and watch your farmer dash across the farm, leaving a trail of dust in their wake. Perfect for speed-crossing your estate or running away from danger!

And speaking of danger, If the night falls, and you’re not quite ready to call it a day, don’t worry! Just hit ‘R’ to light up your lantern and keep the darkness at bay. The woods are filled with all kinds of creatures, and some of them might cause you quite the trouble, especially after dark. Still up for it? Then grab your keyboard, fire up Pumpkin Panic, and let the spooky farming begin!

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